Monday, March 15, 2010

Why skin of Chinese people never turn dark although they stay under sun for long?

Maybe because they have a lesser amount of Melanin pigment in their skin which makes them different from others.
Why skin of Chinese people never turn dark although they stay under sun for long?
cuz they wear those pointy hats and thats a great question cuz lots of chinese are really white
Why skin of Chinese people never turn dark although they stay under sun for long?
because they dont have as much menaline in there skin like white people .

thats the stuff that turn brown form uv rays (the sun)

i dont think i spelled it right though
Reply:well ive seen a lot of ppl from china with like tan color skin, and yeh some are like not dark at all, but its not all of them?
Reply:what kind of chinese people are you referring to?is it china?hong kong?or singapore....well some singaporean chinese get dark easily while some is difficult to...

mine is i will get dark easily

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