Monday, March 15, 2010

I used "Acne Free" and my skin got worse and itchy. Is this normal?

(this was also posted under Skin Conditions-- I just wanted to ask a wider variety of answerers) I didn't have problems with acne until I graduated college last year. I am 23. The acne isn't severe, but I still want to treat it. I regularly use Clearsil Ultra Scrub twice a day. I saw the "Acne Free" products at the store and researched it a little. I got more breakouts the day I started using it. It itched like crazy! I had a big social event coming up so I switched back to the Clearasil. Are the worsening acne and itching part of the regular healing process? Has anyone else had experience with this product line? Any recommendations for a 23 year old female with mild to medium acne?
I used "Acne Free" and my skin got worse and itchy. Is this normal?
i used it a year ago and the same happened to me......i just stopped using it and everything went ok

the problem is that it has a lot of side effects related to skin exposure to the sun or stuff like that......just avoid it and try a safe medical soap(i use sinobar now myself and my acne has gone totaly)

my daily routine is steaming,washing with my medical soap then moisturizing......ONLY TWO TIMES A DAY

in addition to healthy food,working out(but avoid sweating heavily)stay away from the sun too......hmmm.....and reduce makeup products on your skin......good luck ,i know how annoying it is........just be patient ,it took me 3 month to get rid of my acne COMPLETELY
I used "Acne Free" and my skin got worse and itchy. Is this normal?
I'm not an expert but that doesn't sound good. It sounds like you might have had an allergic reaction to an ingredient in that product. I would definitely discontinue the use.

I like Neutrogena products. I started washing my face with Cetaphil (it is recommended by dermatologists) and I have noticed a huge difference. It is a very gentle cleanser. With my adult acne, my skin does better with less products. I got great results when I used Prescriptives products. They are expensive so I went back to Neutrogena. Now I'm using Juice Beauty products (blemish %26amp; redness reducing serum) and I'm satisfied with the results. My skin is very tough because most products cause me to have break outs.

I just thought of something, my skin gets itchy and one thing I notice is if I don't get all of the soap off my skin then it itches. Make sure that you aren't leaving a residue behind. Rinse thoroughly. That could be a factor.
Reply:No, it's not normal. Don't trust big brand acne products. Switch to gentler cleasners and lotions. The AcneFree is irritating your skin and is causing you to break out.
Reply:same thing happened to me. it dried my skin too much and using a good moisturiser after didn't help much either. i switched to proactiv but i only use the renewing cleanser and not the whole line of products. its less drying i guess because its not "soapy" like other products. i follow up with olay definity deep penetrating foaming moisturiser, even though its for "anti-aging" its the best lotion i've used and it keeps my skin less oily throughout the day. I believe the foam makes the lotion lighter on my face too. I have had pretty bad acne before and still have scarring from it. This works for me so far even on hot days. hope this helps you :) its so hard finding good products to use on your face especailly when new "improved" ones come out everyday. goodluck!


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