Monday, March 15, 2010

Does loose skin go away if you're young? (under 20)?

say you were overweight for 10 years and u lose 50 lbs in 4 months, does it go away with time??
Does loose skin go away if you're young? (under 20)?
You can do things to firm up your skin but if it's really just skin, it's hard to get rid of. Keep exercising and use a firming lotion (pref. one with copper) on your skin to tone it up.
Does loose skin go away if you're young? (under 20)?
it probably will, but there is no way to really know. just wait and see
Reply:i was under 20 and had loose skin so i gusse not
Reply:No. Rapid weight loss or major weight loss (without exercise) causes fat beneath the cutaneous layer of the skin to dissipate, but the "stretching" that occurred to accomodate that fat causes the sagging, excess skin. Unfortunately, it will need to be removed via many surgical and cosmetic surgical procedures. True, skin is more supple at your age, but the years of obesity and the skin being stretched for so long removes that suppleness. If you have had gastric bypass surgery, this should have been discussed pre-operatively. You need to make an appt with your physician to obtain a referral. Good luck
Reply:ya i would think so, but everyones body is different
Reply:I support Debbie's answer. Remember that if surgery becomes the route you want to take, please shop the procedure and take advantage of consumerism to get the best buy. Did I spell consumerism correctly?

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