Monday, March 15, 2010

What is the lump under my 8 week old puppy's skin?

If in doubt please contact your vet.Lancing a lump under the skin,without knowing for sure what it is could lead to problems.
What is the lump under my 8 week old puppy's skin?
If it is between the shoulders it might be from a shot. After you give a hot you are supposed to rub it in. Some dont take the time to do that. It will go away in a couple days if thats what it is.
What is the lump under my 8 week old puppy's skin?
"EXCELLENTIMIS" answer is right on-- And, it could be an accumulation of excess--wait a couple of days to see if it dissipates. If not then you could lance it or simply prick it with a needle that you've disinfected( with fire or peroxide. Then take a glass bottle ie; coke bottle. boil it in water, cool the neck a bit and apply the mouth of the bottle to the "lump'--the heated bottle will act as a vacume and will gently draw the puss into the blttle with no discomfort to your friend.
Reply:alot of time it's a small cyst. Im almost 100% sure that it's probably nothing to worry about. It's just a slight inperfection that may or may not go away. It's probably just filled with fluid. I would go to a vet just in case.

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