Saturday, October 10, 2009

What causes boils or cysts under the skin?

Boils and cysts are caused by a buildup of bacteria and heir waste. The bacteria can enter thru your pores especially like in the case of an ingrown hair. Generally they are flushed out thru normal cleansing or held at bay by normal body reaction but occasionally hen the pore seals itself around it it can become infected and continus to grow as the bacteria multiply.
What causes boils or cysts under the skin?
Heredity also has alot to do with it. A dermatologist is very


There are medications other than antibiotics for this condition.
What causes boils or cysts under the skin?
Under the skin indicates to me that you are talking about a Baker's Cyst on the back side of your knee. They are caused by over use. The bursa is the cushioning between the ligaments and it has been overworked and a cyst has developed there as a result. It will never go away but it is like an alarm clock. When it starts to give you a twinge back off. You are probably a weight lifter. You and the cyst can co-exist peacefully as you find out it's limits. I have one too and it hardly ever bothers me now and I have had it for 30 years.

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