Friday, November 6, 2009

Why does our hair color fades away to white under sunlight but our skin burnt?

The color of our skin is mainly due to a brown pigment called melanin, which occurs in the epidermis. Skin color darkens as the upper layers of skin step up production of the protective pigment melanin, and the skin's in-built sunscreen is not effective enough to prevent darkening of the skin.

While, the melanin in our hair is present only in relatively small amounts. Thus, it can be bleached by sunlight; however, the degree to which the hair can be brightened depends on the original hair color and on the duration over which the sunlight is active.
Why does our hair color fades away to white under sunlight but our skin burnt?
Why does our hair color fades away to white under sunlight but our skin burnt?
you need to see a
Reply:Your hair, which is dead tissue, gets bleached by the sun. Your skin, if you are fair skinned will darken as a response to the sun in order to protect itself better.

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